07 May 2010

Lost a little weight around my stomach

Yesterday I had a few errands to run - had to go to the post office to pay some bills and get a few things from the supermarket, so I had to go out to the local shops to complete those errands.

I had a nice, long, luxurious shower and used my favourite organic body lotion to make my skin feel nice, which then made me feel nice too and washed my hair and styled it nicely before I left the house.

When I tried on my black khaki pants, I was surprised to find that they were looser on me than they were the last time I wore them! This means I have lost a little bit more weight around my stomach, hips and thighs in the past few weeks, which for any woman, is a good thing. I think I lost maybe 1-2 kilos, which on someone who isn't that big makes a difference.

I haven't been exercising much (a little each day, but not enough to cause the weight loss) as I have been feeling sick for the most part lately, but I haven't been eating much food during the day - I usually only eat 1-2 regular meals a day and maybe some snacks, like dark organic chocolate (that's every day), so my input of food in terms of energy each day isn't enough, probably isn't the recommended daily calorie intake, so of course I have lost a little weight.  Not a lot, but just a little, to make my trousers and jeans and even tracksuit pants, a little looser than normal.

The other good thing is that now my menstrual cycle has finished, my stomach went from the bloatedness it had to flat (well pretty flat considering I haven't been doing many exercises for toning the muscles), so that was also nice too. My stomach is pretty flat even without any exercise, as I have always exercised in the past, so the muscles have stayed strong. It's amazing how menstruation affects me - the bloating, the pain, the iron loss, the mental anguish, the extreme tiredness - and then when menstruation is finished, all of that is gone as if it never happened in the first place.

Anyway, after I came home yesterday, I made some really beautiful tasting baked chicken drumsticks, baked sweet potato and pumpkin and oven-roasted potatoes - all organic. The taste of the chicken itself was unbelievably sublime as I added some herbs and spices and garlic with it. The baked vegetables were also really delicious.  After I ate, I went to my bedroom and fell asleep for two hours - I think the cooking and waking up early not having enough sleep, must have taken all my energy.

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