03 May 2010

Feeling a bit better now

It's very late now - it's about 2am - and I still haven't gone to bed yet. It stands to reason, as I got out of bed at around 5pm this afternoon!

I just wanted to add that I am starting to feel better now. The extreme lethargy has dissipated quite a lot from earlier today and despite the dark circles under my eyes, I even have a bit of colour in my cheeks and I don't feel quite as unwell as I did before and I am start to look a lot better than I did yesterday and earlier today.  It must have something to do with the food I ate earlier - my body must have finally absorbed the iron and the other nutrients and made me feel better, several hours later.

In the last few hours, I have been busy finding more information about storage units - the size and costs of them - to determine where I should store my possessions (furniture and other things) and I have compared them and will be calling them tomorrow or the next day to find out which one I should use. They all have special offers at some time or another so it would be foolish if I didn't take advantage.

And the other nice thing is that when I opened the outside door, the kitty cat was there, waiting to be let in. The kitty cat has comes to my room against to have a nice little nap on my bed, but not before giving me a little cuddle, where he was just purring and kneading my neck area his paws were on my clothes, so it didn't hurt and he knows not to do it hard, the smart cat. He likes to sit on my upper chest/stomach area with his face and paws near my neck/face, like he's hugging me and just purr away - he is gorgeous like that.  I have an old woollen cardigan at the foot of my bed which he lies on and I cover him with the part that he's not lying on enveloping him in my cardigan. He likes to sleep there as it's really comfortable for him. He's so gorgeous and the only thing in this house that makes me happy. This little animal just gives me unconditional love and I adore his purring - it makes me feel good to hear it and he does it continuously. Love that cat!

I think I must go to bed soon, to try to get up earlier and go for a walk somewhere, get some fresh air and feel better.

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