22 February 2010

The abuse is just constant, never-ending

This afternoon I asked my step-father if he could give me a lift to the shops as he was going to the bank.  

When I went outside he was washing the bird poop from the bonnet, hood and top of the car (he parks it under the trees, in the shade because there is no shade anywhere else, as the garage has his van and my mother's car).

As soon as he saw me, he started going off at me, telling me that I would probably drive with the bird poop on the car and that I should have washed the car for him.  Stupidly I answered back to his nonsense and told him I didn't see it, so how would I know there was even bird poop there.  It was stupid of me to say anything of any sense to him because I know he cant see reason and is totally unreasonable.  

My step-father then started on a major rant (which is when I should have just left, but I needed to get to the shops, so I stayed but said nothing further to inflame him, or so I thought).  My step-father started telling me that they couldn't clean the house for the past 10 days because I didn't get up early enough (he refuses to clean the house after 10am, like there is an embargo on his ability to use his limbs after this time) and when I asked him if he realised that I was sick with a viral infection, he responded by barking at me "you're always sick, you're no use to anybody". But this wasn't the end of his rant, oh no, far from it.  He then started telling me, "you're so lazy and cant get a job, you're too old, no-one wants to employ you!  You should have got yourself some skills when you were younger and now you have none, no-one wants you."

I have a university degree, whereas he doesn't have any skills and neither does anyone else in my family but me.  I have many valuable skills, I am just down, sick and unable to lift myself from this quagmire of despair.  Oh man!

In the two minutes it took him to washed the bird poop from the car, he had totally demolished my spirit with his plentiful verbal abuse, the idiot.  

In the car I couldn't stop sneezing for the whole six minute ride and when I asked him how long he would be there and if he could give me a lift back, he started going on about how he didn't know how long he would be there, that he was going into every shop and for me just to catch a bus back because he didn't care to give me a lift back.  Asshole!  I should never have lowered myself to even ask for a lift. 

Later, after I caught the bus home and was on my computer, with my door open and my step-father walks past and tells me, "You stink, your room stinks, open your window you idiot".  My room does not stink.  The door is open, the air conditioner is on.  The idiot was just saying that to be obnoxious to me.  The abuse just never ends!  

This is like a prison to me, this house and the people here are cruelly taunting me and making my life a living hell to the point where I cant even begin to feel okay any more.  They are depleting my energy and debilitating my soul!

I always feel like I have to defend myself from their abuse when I should not have to contend with this crap!

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