19 February 2010

The absurdness of insane people

Just to highlight how insane and volatile my step-father is, I forgot to post this little threatening gem from him, which he uttered the other night after he came home from wherever he was.

My step-father noticed the windows open in the formal lounge room and obviously he close them, then proceeded to walk past my room (which I lock most of the time I am in here to prevent any of them just walking in like they like to do).  When my step-father got near my room, he said, in a very condescending, threatening way, "You really are asking for trouble aren't you?"

Excuse me, but how is opening a window, to let some air and cross ventilation into a house which is almost completely closed off from the external air "asking for trouble"?  I am at a loss to understand his thinking sometimes.

But then again, he has said to me, many times in the past that it has to be "his way" and that I have no rights at all according to him, so obviously he didn't like the window being open and that was his way of threatening me to not do anything that he didn't like. 

He is just unreasonable and volatile and there is nothing I can do to make him see reason.

Just insane!

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