20 October 2011

Allergies so Debilitating they Adversely Affect Me

At work, I am lucky enough to have an office to sit in so that I am away from everyone and their perfumes, body deodorants, lotions, shampoo, even laundry detergents.

Yesterday and today I have had my door closed, because I cant handle the aromas from people's personal products.

Today someone came to sit with me, but whatever he was wearing (even though I couldnt smell it, obviously I did react to it) was enough to send me into convulsing fits of coughing, slight head hurting and itchy nose. This was just being exposed to whatever he was wearing for about two minutes! Just two minutes.

The coughing is so horrible, because it is so terribly tiring on my body. All that racking coughing to the point of convulsions of my diaphragm is not healthy at all.

On the weekend, I went into a shop which was almost closing. The young workers were throwing buckets of water which had bleach on the floor, in preparation to sweep the floor clean. The bleach they had used wasnt even that strong, as it was mixed with the water, so it was diluted quite a bit. I couldnt smell it that much.

I was exposed to the bleach / water mixture on the floor for maybe 1 minute, if that.

I immediately started coughing a lot and had to leave the shop. I continued to cough and cough and cough like an asthmatic.

I took some of my herbal medicine when I got home so it made it a bit better.

Now you may ask, why dont I use an inhaler for asthmatics. Well, that is because I cant take anything with adrenalin in it because I get abnormal heart beats (ectopic heart arrhythmias) and while they are not associated with any serious health condition, any time I take any medicine with any type of ephedrine or other stimulant like adrenaline, those ectopic heart arrhythmias get worse. And if they continued too long in the same vein, I would most likely have to get heart surgery to correct the incorrect electric pathway.

It's just such a no-win situation for me.

And tonight, my head hurts so much. It's due to my sinuses getting all inflamed from the allergies affecting me.

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