19 June 2010

LayZ boy the complete mental stalker

My brother, LayZ boy is completely mental and a stalker.

He cant handle it when I don't want to associate with him and he has been like this since we were kids. He doesn't have much going in his life other than watching DVD's every single day and smoking until his lungs give out.

If he is outside smoking and sees that I am in the kitchen/family room, he immediately comes in and stays in there, pretending he needs to do something when he doesn't. I totally ignore him and he soon leaves. But he comes back again and again if he sees that I am there. He reeks of cigarette smoke, because he's just smoked a few cigarettes and wants to try to imbue the area with it to make me ill, on purpose.

If I am outside hanging clothes on the clothesline and he's in his bedroom, which has a direct view of the clothesline, he immediately comes out to smoke near me. He'll move away, but not before lighting his cigarette and having a few puffs near me. I have learnt now not to hang clothes when he's at home, only when he's not around, because then he's not around to do this.

If he hears any noise from the kitchen/family room, he comes there because he thinks I am there. To imbue the area with his highly perfumed and/or cigarette smoke infused self, to hurt and upset me because he knows that I am highly allergic to everything as I have multiple chemical sensitivity.

If LayZ boy hears me open my room and leave it, he'll come out of his room and follow me to the kitchen/family room and start talking out loud, saying, "loser, loser, loser", to me, but not actually look at me. He'll stay there and open cupboards and say, "do I want anything out of the cupboard?" and open and close them, as well as the fridge (he'll say, "is there anything I want in the fridge?"), like a complete sick in the head freak. Then if he gets a plate, he'll twirl it on the bench, so that it makes clanging noises - he'll do that several times until he gets bored.

No matter how much I ignore him, he continues with his sick stalker behaviour to antagonise, hurt and upset me. And the fact that he can make me ill/allergic with his perfumed products, is just an added bonus for the psychopath that he is.

LayZ boy takes great pleasure in giving people pain, in hurting them. He's totally cruel and vindictive.

As I have already stated so many times - with a family like this, I don't need enemies.

Yesterday, I heard his step-father tell him that they saw his younger daughter with her boyfriend at one of the shopping centres they went to. LayZ boy said something about the fact that he hadn't seen her since she came her a number of weeks ago. LayZ boy's children wont have much to do with him and he doesn't want to face the reason why - because he's an abusive idiot and no-one other than his equally deluded and mental mother would put up with that.

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