20 February 2010

You cant get sense out of people without any

Woke up this morning feeling like total crap. Still have the fever, still feel totally exhausted and sick. Definitely have the virus still.  I decided not to get out of bed and stay there sleeping for another few hours because I really did not have the energy.

Later I went out to the sun room, where the cat and my step-father were sitting on the chairs there. My step-father said something about the cat always sleeping and I told him that he slept on my bed the last two nights and my step-father responded with, "That's your job" as he walked back inside to go to his ensuite to have a shower.

I later went back inside and when I came out to the sun room to see the cat again, immediately upon entering the sun room, my nose crinkled up in disgust to the smell in there, it was like an offence against my senses!  My step-father had washed with some of my brother's toxic-smelling personal care products, which I cannot tolerate, as the chemicals they contain make me sick.

As soon as my step-father saw my involuntary response, he mocked me with, "Smells, smells, quick go away", laughing at me.

I don't think either he, my mother or my brother can comprehend that this stuff makes me sick. I am allergic to most personal care products (unless they are organic and mild) and being around the makes me itchy, makes me sneeze and makes me unable to breathe properly.  And the fact that I am already feeling sick from a middle ear infection/sinusitis, just makes me more vulnerable.

They are ridiculous people who care naught for me.

Another illustration of this flagrant disregard for my health was that one day my brother LayZ Boy bought a hand soap that he got from a supermarket.  He put it in the main bathroom, which I use too, but every time he used it, it would leave such a strong smell that would make me feel sick every time I had to use the bathroom.  I then moved it to my parents' ensuite.  I told them that it was too strong and I couldn't tolerate it as it made me sick.  I was told "too bad" and the liquid soap was put back in the bathroom.  And my mother even lied and said she bought it!  What a liar!

That night I took the liquid soap and crept into my parents' ensuite late at night and placed it on their vanity.

The next day I asked them how can they justify using such a toxic liquid soap when they recycle the water from the bathroom and put it on the garden?  Especially when she talks to everyone that she doesn't use any chemicals on her garden, but now she will be, so how can she justify it?  She then talked some nonsense and said she would put it in the laundry, so I reminded her again that that water is again recycled into the garden.  She again talked some nonsense, because she cant handle being shown she is totally wrong and I left, just shaking my head at her and her idiocy.

I think she may finally have understood the sense of what I was saying (even though she wont ever admit I told her so, she'll have to make out that it was her idea, yeah right!) and the liquid soap remains in their ensuite.

So basically when I tell her the liquid soap makes me ill, she takes no notice because she wants to make sure my brother does whatever he wants it's his soap (and he has more rights that me as far as she is concerned) and that I have no say in anything.  Yet when I remind her that using the soap in the bathroom or the laundry means she is recycling all the chemicals onto the garden, only then she takes any notice.  That's my mother.  She is totally lacking in any motherly care for her only daughter, she only cares for herself and her son.  I don't matter to her. I am alone here.  I have no support or love here.  I am totally isolated and alone, so no wonder I am sick all the time.  That's my family.  Or rather, my non-family!

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