28 May 2010

Had the first part of the root canal done today

Finally, I decided to have the root canal treatment today (or at least the first part of it).

I was scheduled with another dentist to have an appointment early next week, but I couldn't wait any more.

I have been on antibiotics for two weeks now and started another one this morning and it's enough!  I started on one type, then when that one want working very well any more, had to get another type, which I took for a week, finishing my last dose yesterday afternoon.

I got another type yesterday, the strongest of the lot and didn't start taking it until late this morning, so from last night, there was almost 24 hours in between taking no antibiotics and I could really feel it this morning!  The right side of my face was a bit swollen again and it was starting to hurt a lot again.

I took the new antibiotics and within about 1/2 an hour, I could feel the pain starting to get better. I was directed take a double dose for the first dose, so that was why I could feel the antibiotic taking effect almost immediately. It didn't make the swelling go down that quickly, but stopped the pain from getting worse.

After that, I decided I couldn't wait the whole weekend, taking more antibiotics, just waiting and waiting four more days, plus I didn't feel so well this morning - the tooth abscess was infecting my sinuses too - so I called another dentist and they had some time that afternoon. The dentist actually spoke to me and was kind patient on the phone, so I felt comfortable about seeing him.  Once I got there, he saw me straight away (I think I got in because they put me in during their lunch hour, as there were people waiting after I left). I explained everything to him, about all of my previous bad experiences with dentists and how I was petrified about being there and I told him about the tooth, which I thought must have an abscess.  He took a look around my mouth and took some x-rays to view the tooth and then asked me if I wanted the root canal work to be started right then, or for me to wait until the following week. I decided I wanted it done then and there. He told me that my assessment about it being an abscess was correct.

He did go slowly putting the needle in, when I could feel anything, he slowed down until I couldn't and when he did the work cleaning the tooth out - all three roots had to be cleaned out - they smelt so gross when he opened up the roots where the nerves were filled with pus and yucky stuff.  I think I was in there with him for two hours. He used two doses (two needles - I couldn't feel the second needle at all) of the really strong anaesthetic and then started drilling, stopping every so often, or when I needed him to. He had a dam over my mouth to stop the infected rotten nerves and other infected material from going into my mouth (prevented me swallowing it). He told me I had to come back for the second part - more cleaning of the roots and proper filling and then later a crown.

I was so happy after the treatment ended!  I felt nothing. Hallelujah! At the start, my legs were shaking in the chair, while I was lying there and I was holding my hands tightly, but by the end of it, I did relax (even while he was drilling) and I was okay.  I think because he explained everything to me in a calm way at the start, it helped to allay my fears a little.

It took about 6 hours for that double dose of anaesthetic to wear off, but now the tooth and the area near the tooth are sore - poor tooth, it was traumatised by all the drilling work that was done on it.  Apparently, it should all settle down by tomorrow night. Thank goodness this tooth is now being taken care of and will be good!

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